Infrared Readout IC (ROIC)

Forza has successfully designed dozens of readout ICs (ROIC) for a wide array of applications and different infrared (IR) detector types including cryogenic infrared ROIC. Forza can help make your next IR imager a success by applying one of our innovative pixel or readout designs to your project.

  • Cryogenic ROIC design
  • CIF to 50 megapixel array formats
  • Multitude of pixel architectures: direct-injection (DI), capacitive transimpedance amplifier (CTIA), buffered direct injection (BDI), buffered gate modulation input (BGMI), along with custom circuits for ROIC pixels
  • Integrated on-ROIC reference generation and buffering
  • Integrated on-ROIC digital timing generation, control, register space
  • SRAM, EEPROM and non-volatile memory
  • Design of stitched ROICs
  • Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR), Mid-Wave Infrared (MWIR), Long-Wave Infrared (LWIR)
  • Microbolometer readout IC (ROIC)

To view Infrared Readout IC (ROIC) chip designs: