April, 25, 2014 – Fancy a video camera with 200 Megapixels? Just a quick, breathless note to say that if you’re already indifferent to the so-so resolution of 8K video, how does 19K sound? If you like the sound of that, you might struggle to make this work with your editing system, but Forza Silicon has just the product for you.

Announced just two days ago, the catchily named Forza 100+ MP CAM Platform can capture video at up to 200 megapixels (this is six times the resolution of 8K). Take the square root of six – roughly 2.45, and multiply it by 8(K) and you get just over 19K. And in case you’re thinking it can probably only mange 15fps, they say it can pelt along at 60fps.

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